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简介1.求2011年湖南省高考英语答案2.2009高考语文湖南卷诗词鉴赏答案3.跪求:2010湖南卷高考听力答案.............4.09年高考湖南卷语文答案求2011年湖南省高考英语答案2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(湖南卷)英语试题答案1-10. CBCABCBACA11-15. ABBAC16. by a river17. Size18. pretty19. Reasons20.









1-10. CBCAB CBACA 11-15. ABBAC

16. by a river 17. Size 18. pretty 19. Reasons 20. 2 weeks

21-30. CBCDC ABACD 31-35. ABADB

36-45. ADBCC ADBBA 46-47. DC

48. an 49. two 50. next 51. why

52. One 53. but 54. I 55. to

56-60. BADBC 61-65. BAADC 66-70. DCAAC

71. informative resources 72. do school work 73. is interested in

74. specific school activities 75. enabling one 76. without an account 77. art sites 78. upload art pieces

79. Enjoy art projects 80. well-rounded and informed

81. She had a quarrel with her husband

82. She failed to jog to the end of the street

83. No one would be disappointed or even know

84. Running makes her feel good while jogging makes her look good




































答案:1-5:ACBBC 6-10:BABAA 11-15:CCABC

16:7 days 17:My Happy LIfe 18: 8:10 19: a cheaper ticket/a student ticket

20:Nathan Road


Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (22.5 marks)

Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.

You will hear each conversation TWICE.


When will the magazine probably arrive?

A. Wednesday. B. Thursday. C. Friday. The answer is B.

Conversation 1

长对话一 Q1-2 细节罗列场景

W: Zad, Have you bought some flowers for Mom’s birthday? Mom loves flowers.

M: Flowers? No! We just bought her flowers for the Mother’s day. How about a nice box of chocolate?

W: She’s trying to lose weight these days, doesn’t she?

M: well, We could buy her books. She enjoys reading novels.

1. Why do they want to buy a gift for their mother?

A. It's her birthday. B. It's Mother's Day. C. It's Women's Day.

第一题选择A, 对话开头一两句即出现对话的目的和主题,主题开头的提问,往往揭示要点,这是必考的考点。

2. What are they going to buy?

A. Some flowers. B. A box of chocolates. C. A book.

第二题选择C,这是尾巴细节题,在最后一句出现,注意一头一尾的考点,复合湖南高考听力一贯的解题原则,最后听到的即为正确答案,前面的A B 项都是干扰信息。

Conversation 2

长对话二 Q3-4 求助场景

W: It’s 9 o’clock now. Here Bill, I need to mail these letters right away.

M: Ok, Miss #$%, I’ll do it right now.

W: And while you’re there, please buy 10 one dollar’s stamp.

M: No problem, I should be back in half an hour.

3. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Go to a bank. B. Mail letters. C. Buy some magazines.


4. What time will the man probably be back?

A. 9:00. B. 9:30. C. 10:00.


Conversation 3

长对话三 Q5-6 邀请场景

M: I’m thinking about going to the rock concert in the student’s center, will you join me?

W: Sorry, I don’t think I’ll go to the concert tonight. I’ll have to wait %$^”s call, and then prepare for the exam.

M: Are we having an exam tomorrow?

W: Yeah, Our class will having a math exam tomorrow morning, Did you forget it?

M:Oh, I don’t think I ‘ll go to the concert, either.

5. What is the woman going to do tonight?

A. Go to a concert. B. Phone her doctor. C. Prepare for an exam.


6. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student. B. Classmates. C. Doctor and patient.


Conversation 4

长对话四 Q7-9 问路场景

M: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the history museum?

W: Sure, go to the central Park, pass the high school, then turn left at Hilton Hotel, a 5 star hotel. It’s 2, oh no, 3 blocks from here.

M: Thank you, that sounds easy to find.

W: But it’s closed today. It’s not open on Saturday and Sunday, just on weekdays you know.

7. Where does the man want to go?

A. The history museum. B. The Central Park. C. The high school.


8. How far away is the place?

A. Two blocks. B. Three blocks. C. Five blocks.

第八题选择B。这题设计从口语语境角度看稍有新意,并且考到了blocks街区这个是用场景词汇。现在的听力录音不再是读台词般一成不变,而是模仿自然口语交流状况,出现大量语气词和口误,然后自我修复,从而揭示观点态度和重要细节信息,对话中的“It’s 2, oh no, 3 blocks from here…”就属这个范畴。考生记住,录音者口误然后马上自我更正,属于明显的语音提示,必有细节考点出现。

9. When is the place open?

A. From Monday to Friday. B. Through the whole week. C. On Saturday and Sunday.


Conversation 5

长对话五Q10-12 车祸场景

M: Mr. Jackson had a car accident last night. His wife called this morning.

W: How terrible! He was supposed to go to London tomorrow. Is he all right?

M: Not really. He’ll be out of the office for a while. About one week in the hospital I think, and then another two weeks at home.

W: I guess his wife already know it. Well, I know his secretary will have to take on most of his work while he ‘s gone.

10. Why is Mr. Jackson out of the office?

A. He has been injured. B. He has gone to London. C. He is looking after his wife.

第十题选择A。一般高考听力车祸场景规律为“车损毁,人没事”,这里男主人公受伤不亲,似有反规律之嫌疑。开始和中间提到了Mr. Jackson出了车祸,然后提到he will be out of office foe a while,所以得知他伤得不轻。

11. How long will he probably be away from work?

A. One week. B. Two weeks. C. Three weeks.


12. Who will do his work while he is away?

A. His wife. B. The boss. C. The secretary.

第十二题选择C。结尾出现的尾巴细节,所听即所选,并用I know 作为提示。

Conversation 6

长对话六 Q13-15 饮食健康场景

M: Mary, can I sit here?

W: Sure, Man. What are you having for lunch? Let me see, and what’s in your plate? A…, pork and fried chicken again?

M: They are really delicious. And I cannot imagine a meal without meals.

W: You never eat vegetables. That’s not good for you. How’s your cold man, have you seen a doctor?

M: An, it’s nothing serious, and it’s not necessary to bother the doctor. I’m taking the medicine, and I’ll be well soon.

W: You’re so careless about your health.

M: Oh, do not speak to me like my doctor, I know what’s good for me.

W: Oh I finally understand Dr. Kevin’s lecture.

M: What do you mean?

W: He said men lives shorter than women, because they always pay no attention to their health.

13. Where are the two speakers?

A. In a dining hall. B. In a hospital. C. In a lecture room.

第十三题选择A。开头女孩的“What are you having for lunch?”可定位到餐厅场景。但选项A明显是Chinglish, 正确说法应当是Canteen 或 Cafeteria, hall为集会场所。

14. What did the man do?

A. He saw a doctor. B. He took some medicine. C. He had vegetables for lunch.

第十四题选择B。A和C的信息都在对话里被否定。女孩说“You never eat vegetables”, 把握对话里的绝对否定词。

15. What does the woman think the man should do?

A. Have meals regularly. B. Go to Dr. Kevin's office. C. Pay attention to his health.

第十五题选择C。女孩埋怨男生You’re so careless about your health.最后一句说女人命长是因为 pay attention to the health. 所以应当选择C。这是对话体力稍具人性化的一题。

Section B (7.5 marks)

Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and thenfill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank withNO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

You will hear the short passage TWICE.

第二部分 填空题 Q16-20 电话自动应答提示

Thank you for calling the Hong Kong Art cinema. There’s no one to answer your call at the moment. The Hong Kong Art Cinema is open 7 days a week, showing a variety of Chinese and foreign films. Next week we’ll show the Chinese film My Happy Life. You can see that film from Monday to Friday. It’ll be on twice a day in the evening, that’s at 8:10 and 10:30. The film lasts 2 hours. Tickets are 150 HK dollars, but there’s special student’s ticket at 50 HK Dollars for all our film. Please bring your student card if you want cheaper tickets. And the nearest car park to the cinema is on the Nathan Road, that’s N A T H A N, it’s just 5 minutes’ walk from the cinema. Thank you for calling the HK Art Cinema. If you require further information, phone our office number 9 AM to 5 PM on week days.

本题考查考生对时间、名称和字母拼写等细节的考察,书面表达和单词拼写的难度不大, 最后一问要求字母拼写,第一次出现在填空题当中。考生大可一边听录音一边记录单词。今后填空题的单词难度和语音识别难度应会有所增加,甚至出现为满足三词要求适当改写原文的书面表达能力的考核,考生应加以重视,注重单词拼写能力的培养。

16题:7 days

17题:My happy life


19题:cheaper ticket/ a student ticket



Part I Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. Foreach conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by threechoices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for eachquestion.

You will hear each conversation TWICE.


When will the magazine probably arrive?

A. Wednesday. B. Thursday. C. Friday. The answer is B.

Conversation 1

W: Jack, could we buy some flowers for Mom’s birthday? Mom loves flowers.

M: Flowers? No! We just bought her flowers for Mother’s Day. How about a nice box of chocolate?

W: She’s been trying to lose weight since Women’s Day. Silly.

M: Well, we could get her a book. She enjoys reading novels.

Conversation 2

W: It’s 9 o’clock now. Here, Bill, I need to mail these letters right away.

M: Ok, Miss Brown, I’ll do it right now.

W: And while you’re there, please buy me 10 one dollar’s stamps.

M: No problem, I should be back in half an hour.

Conversation 3

M: I’m thinking about going to the rock concert in the student’s center tonight. Will you join me?

W: Sorry, I don’t think I’ll go to the concert tonight. I’ll have to wait for my doctor’s call, and then prepare for the exam.

M: Are we having an exam tomorrow?

W: Yeah, our class will be having a math exam tomorrow morning. Did you forget it?

M: Yes, I don’t think I’ll go to the concert, either.

Conversation 4

M: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the history museum?

W: Sure, go to the Central Park, pass the high school, then turn left at Hilton Hotel, a 5 star hotel. It’s 2, oh no, 3 blocks from here.

M: Thank you. That sounds easy to find.

W: But it’s closed today. It’s not open on Saturday and Sunday, just on weekdays, you know.

Conversation 5

M: Mr. Jackson had a car accident last night. His wife called us this morning and said this.

W: That’s terrible! He was supposed to go to London tomorrow. Is he all right?

M: Not really. He’ll be out of the office for a while. About one week in the hospital, I think, and then another two weeks at home.

W: I guess his boss already knows. Well, I know his secretary will have to take on most of his work while he’s gone.

Conversation 6

M: Mary, can I sit here?

W: Sure, Mark. What are you having for lunch? Let me see…, what’s in your plate? Ah, pork and fried chicken again?

M: They are really delicious. And I cannot imagine a meal without meat .

W: You never eat vegetables. That’s not good for you. How was your cold, then? Have you seen a doctor?

M: It’s nothing serious, and it’s not necessary to bother the doctor. I’ve taken some medicine, and I’ll be well soon.

W: You’re so careless about your health.

M: Well, do not speak to me like my doctor, I know what’s good for me.

W: Oh, I finally understand Dr. Kevin’s lecture.

M: What do you mean?

W: He said men live shorter than women, because they always pay little attention to their health.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and thenfill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank withNO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

You will hear the short passage TWICE.

Thank you for calling the Hong Kong Art Cinema. There’s no one to answer your call at the moment. The Hong Kong Art Cinema is open 7 days a week, showing a variety of Chinese and foreign films. Next week we’ll show the Chinese film My Happy Life. You can see that film from Monday to Friday. It’ll be on twice a day in the evenings. That’s at 8:10 and 10:30. The film lasts 2 hours. Tickets are 150 Hong Kong dollars, but there’s a special student’s ticket at 50 Hong Kong dollars for all our midweek films. Please bring your student card if you want the cheaper ticket. And the nearest car park to the cinema is on the Nathan Road. That’s NATHAN. It’s just 5 minutes’ walk from the cinema. Thank you for calling the Hong Kong Art Cinema. If you require further information, phone during office hours – 9 AM to 5 PM on weekdays.





1.解析 C(A项,渲- xuàn,B项,怦-pēng,D项,脊-jǐ,这三个字中,前二个属于形声字误读,后一个属于习惯性误读。)

2.解析 D(“嘻”应为“嬉”。本题仍然保持了近年在具体语境中正确辨识汉字字形的命题方式。做这道题,看起来每项都有40余个信息符号,但实际上辨识点每项只有那么一两个,可以快速扫描,顺手标志辨识点,无把握的情况下,可以通过比较排除等方法得出答案。实际上,本题D项的“嘻”从构字法上一眼可知,用于小球状或颗粒状的东西,“棵”多有用于植物,“古柏”属于植物。)

3.解析 B(做这道题,在积累理解词语含义的前提下,一定要通观选项的整体语境。B项“一挥而就”意为一动笔就完成,形容写文章、写字、绘画很快就完成。这里陈述对象是计算机的工作,不可能“一挥而就”,这里属对象不当所造成,可改为“一蹴而就”。A项中“唇齿相依”象嘴唇和牙齿那样互相依靠,比喻为关系密切,互相依存;C项“格格不入”形容互相抵触,不相投合;D项“林林总总” 形容众多,这三个成语均符合语境。) 4.解析 C(A项“获得……好评”与“好评如潮”属句式杂糅,应删掉“如潮”。B项中“对于”应该为“对”, 这两个介词凡是可以用“对于”的地方,都可以用“对”,但是有的用“对”的地方不能用“对于” ,“对于”常指问题(贬),且只能做补语或独立于句首做状语,而“对”常用做介词,在表示人与人之间或人与事物之间的对待关系,或者表示“跟”和“朝”、“向”的意思时只能用“对”,不能用“对于”,这里“群体、社会、他人”表示的是人与事物的对待关系;另外这一句中“群体、社会、他人”并列顺序应该是“他人、群体、社会”。D项中“阐明”与“张扬”属搭配不当。)

5.解析 A(四个选项中,末字都是平声,与出句的仄声相反,符合平仄规律,但C项的末字“飞”为动词,与上句表颜色的形容词“青”不配对,先排除这一项;D项中“高”虽为形容词,但与“碧”不属同一范畴,且“风平浪静”与“身正才卓”在意境上难以对接,亦排除;B项基本上也可对上上句,但“阔”字与对字的“静”同属仄声,已犯对联忌讳,“情深海阔”中“情深”与“海阔”并无联系,而且“心平浪静”与“情深海阔”也不存在多大关系,比较起来“志远天高”与“心平浪静”就存在一定的逻辑联系,全句平仄相对,意境相合,属最工整的对句,当选A。) 二6.解析B(选项中“无条件禁止一切基因重组研究以避免可能导致的无法预知的后果”,比较原文“在全世界范围内无条件禁止一切有可能导致无法预知后果的基因重组研究”,可知B项中意思变为了禁止一切基因研究,而原文只是禁止可能导致无法预知后果的基因重组研究,属范围扩大。这真是似是而非,一切要仔细辨析。)

8.解析 D(“科学反对它自己”,并不是指“新科学”与“旧科学”。) 9.解析A(“季”即排名最后一个,如“楚左尹项伯者,项羽季父也”,季父即叔父,那么季秋即晚秋。)

10.解析 C(两个“以”均在谓语前,作连词,A项中前一个“其”是代词,后一个表希望语气副词,可译为“还是”;B项中前一个“于”表比较,译为“比”,第二个“于”表对象,译为“对于”,这一选项最有迷惑性,事实上,匹夫不可能与社稷比,只能说对于社稷有重大意义;D项中第一个“者”表示“的人”,后“者”表停顿兼判断,这一选项也容易误选,粗心一看都是“者……也”为判断句,其实仔细分辨即可判断正误。)

11.解析 C(C项的表述出自原文“予问其故,秦子曰:‘予世之介士也,性所不乐不能为,言所不合不能交,饮食起居,动静百为,不能勉以随人,令一为吏,皆失已而惟物之应,少自偃蹇,悔祸随至’”,秦少章不快乐的原因是“性所不乐不能为,言所不合不能交”,那么,“令一为吏,皆失已而惟物之应,少自偃蹇,悔祸随至”只是不快乐的结果。)

12.解析 (1)人不经历磨难,智慧就不明达。(2)如今却是妻子儿女靠我养活,想不做官,也办不到。(3)赏赐给他车辆马匹却推辞的人,是不害怕步行的人。

13.解析 引用重耳流亡、子胥出奔的故事,说明遭遇困境、忧患等迁变,能使人弥补不足,增进能力,学到更为丰富的东西。

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