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简介成考快速报名和免费咨询:s://.87dh/xl/ 陕西成人高考高起专英语想必是很多考生很头疼的一门科目,但越是头疼越是需要练习,陕西成人高考网为各位考生带来了该科目历年模拟试题,快来练习一下吧! 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共105分) 一、语音知识:共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划


成考快速报名和免费咨询:s://.87dh/xl/ 陕西成人高考高起专英语想必是很多考生很头疼的一门科目,但越是头疼越是需要练习,陕西成人高考网为各位考生带来了该科目历年模拟试题,快来练习一下吧!




1.A.coat B.road C.broad D.goal ( )

2.A.official B.declare C.active D.picture ( )

3.A.purse B.pure C.curious D.cure ( )

4.A.hide B.like C.time D.give ( )

5.A.question B.station C.direction D.pollution ( )


6.He's a great player and I he al ot of respect_______him.

A.of B.in C.on D.for

7.Don't forget to_______your school bag with you when you come here next time.

A.bring B.deliver C.fetch D.take

8.He was late for work this morning because he_____find his key.

A.mustn't B.wouldn't C.couldn't D.should n't

9.I asked him to go to the art exhibition,but he said he had_____seen it.

A.still B.already C.also D.often

10.—Where's your mother, Helen?

—She_____the flowers in the garden.

A.waters B.is watering C.watered D.has watered

11.The children and their parents had great fun_____games in the park.

A.playing B.play C.played D.to play

12.There is only one student_____will surely pass the diffcult test.

A.whose B.which C.whom D.who

13.一Do you like talking with your friends on the phone or through the Inte met?

一_____.I enjoy writing letters.

A.None B.Either C.Neither D.Both

14.She asked me_____I would ike to go with her or not.

A.how B.when C.whether D.where

15.Before you lee the classroom,_____all the lights.

A.turn up B.turn over C.turn to D.turn off

16.If Mom looks out from the kitchen window, she_____us playing in the yard.

A.is seeing B.will see C.was seeing D.has seen

17.一Can you stay here for a few more days?

一_____,but I he to be home tomorrow.

A.No, thank you B.I'm afraid not

C.I'd love to D.No problem

18.With al ot of work_____,Jerry had not me to go to the cinema with his daughter.

A.doing B.hing done C.done D.to do

19.We'remaking good progress,_____we've still got along way to go

A.but B.or C.so D.thus

20.I hope you will he a_____week with us in China.

A.pleasure B.pleasing C.pleased D.pleasant


Mrs.McTish looked out.“It's a lovely day.Would you lke to go for a walk in the park?”Herchildren 21 with excitement.

“Before we go, you need to follow some rules.Everyone must 22 hands and stay close to me.You can't 23 anywhere by yourself.Can you all do that?”

All four 24 they would.As they walked down the street, Fiona said, “I want a nice lolly(冰棍) , Mummy.Can we he some?”

“You can if you follow the rules, ”answered Mrs.McTish.

The park is just around the corner.The children ran off to 25 .After a while, when Mrs.McTish looked up she couldn't see Jock.“Fiona, where's Jock?'

“I don't know, Mummy.He's not here 26 , ”said Fiona.

The others had n't 27 Jock either.Mrs.McTish had to gather her children together and walkaround the park 28 for him.She found him sitting near the ice lolly man.“Jock! What are you doing here? I couldn't 29 you.

“Mummy, I want a nice lolly, ”Jock whispered.

“You can't he one now 30 you didn't follow the rules.”Mrs.McTish

31 one foreach of the other children and they licked(舔) them all the way home.Jock cried.When they 32 home she talked to Jock.“Mummy has four children.I must he rules so I can 33 an eye on youand know you're 34 .”Jock said he was35 and he would follow the rules from then on.

21.A.quarreled B.doued C.listenedD.cheered ( )

22.A.wash B.shake C.hold D.raise ( )

23.A.meet B.lie C.drive D.go ( )

24.A.admitted B.promised C.pretended D.explained ( )

25.A.play B.eat C.practice D.sing ( )

26.A.once more B.anymore C.as usual D.at last ( )

27.A.caught B.known C.seen D.recognized ( )

28.A.looking B.sending C.running D.waiting ( )

29.A.understand B.find C.believe D.accept ( )

30.A.unless B.once C.though D.because ( )

31.A.bought B.made C.sold D.borrowed ( )

32.A.found B.left C.got D.passed ( )

33.A.rest B.open C.put D.keep ( )

34.Afor table B.healthy C.safe D.honest ( )

35.A.sorry B.angry C.worried D.hy ( )




1、 陕西省汉中市2013年高考英语科目总分是150分。


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